Oranges in Niao-Song 鳥松有柳橙?
鳥松鄉可以種柳橙?沒錯 我家後院就種了一棵 今年又結了兩個柳橙 是黃皮的 還不賴也 Is there citrus tree in Niao-Song? In spite of the hot tropical zone, there is citrus tree in rear of my house, and bear fruits this year since 1995. The fruits is delicious actually.
這一棵 我暫時不透露它的樹名 等有一天它結果了 預料會造成轟動
它是 落葉喬木 果實有硬殼......
Another tree, guess what is this? It is come from a European State.
Labels: citrus tree, orange, 柳橙