Everything of Niao-Song

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The azalea bloom杜鵑花開了

The azalea bloom in my house, lately than ever. For Niao-Song is located at tropical area, the azalea is hard to survive. This tree is under the shadow of a giant tree "Han-Chiao", similar to magnolia, and blomming every late February.

吾家後院植有杜鵑一株 每年二月底必開花 今年 許是暖冬之故 遲至近日始綻放 且非繁榮狀 果溫度有以致之?

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Happy HM Che 鳥松八隆宮池府千歲生日快樂

Every lunar Jan. 18 is birthday of HM Che( 池府千歲 ). The Pa-Long Tmeple in Niao Song Hsian have many kinds of ceremonies as Taiwan Opera, Big turtle competetion.....

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