Sunday, April 29, 2007
Night-blooming cereus,epiphylum 曇花一現
It is called the night-blooming cereus as "so beautiful, so shortly duration". Here is the blooming of epiphylus in my home at night Apr.29 2007
曇花 只在晚上開 而且 只開一晚 隔日 就凋謝了 花形很美 並不具有香氣 花蕊淡黃色 我種了很久 這是第二次開花
Labels: epiphylum, Niao-Song, Taiwan 曇花一現
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Church in the hill, Da-Shu Hsian大樹鄉井仔腳路山坡小教堂
The church in the hill, at Gien-Gia-Giao Road, Da-Shu Hsian( a neiboring to Niao-Sung Hsian), is a cemetary church, actually. It is look like a westernized scene.
大樹鄉井仔腳路的山坡小教堂 有歐美式的遺世獨立感
Labels: Da-Shu Hsian, Niao-Sung, Taiwan 大樹鄉
Guan-Yin Lake( Governor lake), Jen-Wu,仁武鄉觀音湖
The Guan-Yin Lake is at Jen-Wu Hsian, neiboring to Niao-Song Hsian,is an irrigate lake. It is assignedto be a sightseeing area, but no construction, yet.
仁武鄉的觀音湖 又名總督埤 是灌溉用的蓄水湖 已規劃為風景區 尚未開發
Labels: Guan-Yin Lake, Jen-Wu, Taiwan 仁武觀音湖