Everything of Niao-Song

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

subsubsuburban of Niao Song 鳥松鄉間

Aside from Niao S0ng Tsuen, the other Tsuens is very Old Taiwan-style...one floor house with external square and main lobby to pray ancients. The small route communicate each other Tsuens. The giant tree, of course, is noted frequently.鳥松鄉下 仍保有台灣鄉間農村建築的樣子 一進式 東西護龍 庭斗兼為晒谷場 巨木時常可見 鳳梨園則是大樹,鳥松附近的特產 付圖 仁美國小因地勢低 雨天常見積水

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Monday, February 12, 2007

Niao Song, Niao Song

Niao Song Hsian is famous of Cheng Ching Lake( FMR Da-Pei Hu), an artificial lake of Taiwan Water Corporation,Besides, there are more cultural points to be finding. First, the Niao Song Saint Tree NSST, is an old tree at the rear gate of this lake. The NSST is famous not only the age, but the rare board-like roots

高雄縣鳥松鄉 因有 大貝湖(澄清湖)而聞名中外 其實 鳥松鄉的人文特色 另有可書之處 如 鳥松神木 位於 大貝湖出口 近仁武鄉 樹齡愈百之外 其板根特型 在平地殊為少見

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